Teaching Assistant GE for Introduction to Theatre Arts

Department: Theatre Arts
FTE: 0.40
Terms: Fall  
Academic Year: 2024-25


The Department of Theatre Arts is seeking qualified applicants for a Graduate Employee Teaching Assistant position at .40 FTE for Fall 2024. The successful candidate will primarily assist in classroom activities and shared evaluation or grading (roughly 35 students per assignment). Other responsibilities include weekly office hours, a weekly meeting with faculty supervisor, and one-two optional lecture or in-class activities dependent on interest and experience in theatre or related creative practice areas.

Preferred Qualifications:

1.        Background in a creative practice area.
2.        Grading experience with writing, presentation, and creative activities.
3.        Strong interdisciplinary and collaborative background.
4.        Cross-cultural sensitivity.
5.        Ability to work independently.
6.        Teaching or Teaching Assistant experience at the college level.

Application Procedure:

Please email the following materials in one PDF document:
•        A letter of interest outlining background, qualifications, and teaching philosophy.  
•        Curriculum Vitae
•        If available, professional resume or bio related to creative practice area.
•        If available, 1-2 recent teaching evaluations.

Application Email: theatrearts@uoregon.edu

Deadline Date: Wednesday, 09-11-24

Open Until Filled: Yes
Open Until Filled, Review Begins On: Thursday, 09-12-24

Contact Information:
Finn Koval