Graduate Research Forum:
May 8, 2025 | Ford Alumni Center
The Graduate Research Forum is an interdisciplinary celebration of master's and doctoral students from all fields that showcases the remarkable scope and depth of graduate research at our university.
We invite contributions in all research forms, including primary studies, literature reviews, case studies, and the unveiling of new methodologies.
Participants are invited to present their research and work during a two-hour poster session, followed by networking time and an awards announcement.

Share your Research
The Graduate Research Forum provides an excellent professional development opportunity for graduate students to showcase their research with a broad audience.
Present and showcase your research through a research poster. Your research poster should concisely summarize your research and provide a starting place for discussion and lively conversation. Posters are typically a combination of brief text with tables, graphs, and pictures. During the Grad Research Forum, presenters will stand by their posters to discuss and answer questions from the poster judges and attendees. Your research does not need to be complete to present.

Presenter Perspectives
"Talking to people at the research forum about what I’m working on was a productive way to process my own ideas and reach the next level of clarity." — Christopher
"It was a positive challenge to explain my whole project in brief conversation and to explain it in a way that is accessible to people not in the field." — Annalise
"Preparing for the poster presentation helped me organize my thoughts and clarify my overall project. The forum is the ideal place to share these ideas." — Kathryn