Policies and Procedures

Division of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures

General Policies and Procedures




Academic Grievance Process


A summary of the formal graduate student academic grievance process with a link to the official policy.

Grades and Incompletes


Learn more about the minimum grade requirements for graduate students, as well as information on incomplete grades.

Graduate Classifications


Refer to the Division of Graduate Studies section of the UO Catalog for a description of graduate student classifications.

Legal Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation Data Collection


As required by Oregon law, the University of Oregon has updated the collection of biographical data to include two new questions regarding gender identity and sexual orientation alongside an existing question on legal sex designation.

Research Ethics and Compliance


Ethical research practice requires that all students conduct their research in an open and honest manner and make every effort to ensure the accuracy of their findings.

Satisfactory Progress/Academic Standing


Graduate students are responsible for being aware of and in compliance with all Division of Graduate Studies and university requirements, including but not limited to those related to enrollment and registration, grades, and time limits.

Waive a Graduate Academic Policy


Graduate students may file a petition to waive a graduate academic policy or requirement, such as removing an incomplete or extending the 7-year deadline. Review petition procedures and forms.

Enrollment and Residency Policies and Procedures




Academic On-Leave Status


Students may request academic leave for reasons such as a medical condition, family emergency, birth or adoption of a child, to conduct independent research, etc. Review what defines on-leave status and the eligibilities surrounding it.

Complete Withdrawal from the Term


Information about the complete withdrawal process, including GE benefits retention and refund penalties. 

Continuous Enrollment Policy


To remain in compliance with the continuous enrollment policy, graduate students must be registered for a minimum of three graduate credits each term starting with the term of admission. 

Credit Limits and Full-Time Course Load


Information about credit limits for each term and minimum enrollment requirements.

Enroll in a WRGP/WICHE Regional Graduate Program


The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education coordinates the Western Regional Graduate Program, an exchange program for students from western states and U.S. territories to apply for admission to selected programs and be treated as resident students.

Final Term Registration Exceptions for Thesis and Dissertation Students


In general, graduate students must be registered for at least 3 credits during their final term with a few exceptions.

Joint-Campus Registration


Information on how University of Oregon graduate students can enroll in graduate courses at Oregon State University and Portland State University.

Reservation of Graduate Credit


An undergraduate student who wishes to register for a graduate-level course must request permission by submitting a reservation of graduate credit form with the Division of Graduate Studies.

Master's Policies and Procedures




Minimum Degree Requirements


These are Division of Graduate Studies minimums. Your specific graduate program may have higher or more stringent requirements.

Transfer of Graduate Credit


Some graduate programs allow master’s students to request a maximum of 15 graduate credits to be transferred.

Master’s Advisory Committee


Policies for master’s committees vary from department to department.

Master's Residency Requirement


At least 30 credits must be completed at the University of Oregon during at least two terms of study.

Degree Completion Deadlines


Term-by-term deadlines for master's degree completion

Thesis Formatting Guidelines - UO Style and Policy Manual


The thesis and dissertation style and policy manual was created as a guide to help graduate students establish the physical format and appearance of an electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD).

Thesis Prefatory Page Templates


Graduate students are encouraged to use this template to ensure that they’re in formatting compliance for their thesis submission.

Thesis Submission Instructions


These instructions will guide graduate students through the ProQuest thesis submission process

Graduation Checklist


Steps for graduation for thesis and non-thesis master's students.

Accelerated Master's Programs (AMPs)


UO's Accelerated Master's Programs (AMPs) allow exceptional undergraduate students in selected majors the opportunity to earn both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in as few as 5 years.

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Doctoral Policies and Procedures




Residency Requirements


At least 27 graduate credits toward the degree must be completed at the UO. 

Minimum Credits Required for Doctoral Degrees


Doctoral candidates must complete the equivalent of at least 81 quarter credits of graduate-level work beyond the baccalaureate degree, over the course of at least three calendar years.

7-Year Time Limit


Doctoral students have 7 years from the term of admission in which to complete the doctoral degree.

Transfer of Graduate Credit


Each program sets its own policy regarding acceptance of transfer credits.

Advancement to Candidacy


Advancing to candidacy signifies that the student has completed their coursework, as well as other requirements as defined by their graduate program, and is ready to move forward to the dissertation phase.

Dissertation Committee Policy


Review who is and who isn’t eligible to be a committee member for graduate students.

Graduate Faculty Policies and Procedures


Policies regarding who are graduate faculty and who can serve on dissertations.

Oral Defense Procedures


A formal public defense must take place at a date set by the committee chair and approved by the Division of Graduate Studies.

Oral Defense Attendance Policies (includes remote defense policies)


Review policies on remote defenses and committee members' attendance at defenses. 

Degree Completion Deadlines


Term-by-term deadlines for doctoral degree completion.

Graduation Checklist


Steps for graduation for doctoral students.

APA Internship Policies for Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology Doctoral Students


Doctoral students who are studying clinical, counseling, and school psychology are required, by the American Psychological Association to complete a 1-year internship before being awarded their doctoral degree.

Dissertation Formatting Guidelines - UO Style and Policy Manual


The thesis and dissertation style and policy manual was created as a guide to help graduate students establish the physical format and appearance of an electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD).

Dissertation Prefatory Page Templates


Graduate students are encouraged to use this template to ensure that they’re in formatting compliance for their dissertation submission.

Dissertation Submission Instructions


These instructions will guide graduate students through the ProQuest dissertation submission process.

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Graduate Employee (GE) Policies and Procedures

General GE Policies and Procedures




Absences and Leave Policies for GEs


Information for students, academic departments, and GE hiring units when a graduate student needs to take prolonged absence—sick day, short-term absence, longer-term absence, family and medical leave—that may affect their ability to make progress toward the degree and/or carry out their GE duties.

Complete Withdrawal Information for GEs


Information about the complete withdrawal process, including GE benefits retention and refund penalties. 

Disability Accommodations for GEs


Graduate students with an underlying physical or mental condition that is interfering with their ability to perform the duties of their position may qualify as an individual with a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

English Language Policy for Non-Native English-Speaking GEs


Non-native speakers of English who accept graduate employee positions (GE) for teaching-related positions must meet certain English language requirements. 

Full-Time Equivalent - GE Workload/Hours


Policies regarding GE workload and hours based on their assigned FTE. 

GEs Assisting Instructor-of-Record GEs


Typically, GEs are not assigned to other GE’s who have been appointed as an instructor-of-record. However, there may be some circumstances under which it is appropriate for a GE to be assisted by another GE.

GEs Assigned to Graduate-Level Courses


Under certain circumstances, GE’s may be able to assist with a graduate course. Review the specific restrictions for this placement.

GE-Related Grievances


Graduate students with complaints arising from their employment as graduate employees should follow the grievance procedures specified by their collective bargaining agreement.

SEVIS Fee and Visa Fee Reimbursement for GEs


Eligibility information and instructions for SEVIS fee and Visa application fee reimbursements for international GEs. 

Summer Tuition Waiver


Information about the summer tuition waiver benefit.

Salary and Benefits for GEs


Review information about pay and benefits for Graduate Employee appointments. 

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GE Hiring Policies and Procedures




GDRS Information


The General Duties and Responsibilities Statement (GDRS) is a document prepared by each hiring unit that outlines the GE hiring, appointment/reappointment, and evaluation procedures that are followed in that unit

GE Appointment Costs & Charging Guidance


Details on costs associated with employing a GE, including how tuition, fees, insurance and OPE are charged; cross-college hires; tuition support for grant-funded level III GEs

GE Hiring Process


Information for departments on the GE hiring process. Submit a GE job announcement

GE Levels


Definitions and qualifications for GE levels I, II, and III

GE Performance Management and Discipline


Guidance from Employee and Labor Relations around Graduate Employee (GE) expectation setting, performance management, and discipline

GE Personnel Files


Guidelines for maintaining GE performance and evaluation files

GE Resignations and Terminations


GE separation paperwork must be created when a GE resigns or is terminated. The hiring unit must also contact the Payroll Office

GE vs. Student Hourly Employee


Information about hiring graduate students as hourly student employees

Graduate Employment Verification and References


Students must submit consent forms to their hiring unit in order for information to be released for employment and reference verifications

Hiring Options for Term Before Admission


Options for hiring a graduate student in the term before their admission term

Summer Exceptions to the .49 FTE Limit


Requirements and restrictions for hiring a GE over .49 FTE during Summer term

Summer GE Appointments


Important guidelines specific to Summer GE appointments

Template: GE Onboarding Checklist


Word template containing a checklist to aid hiring units' onboarding of GEs

Template: GE Workload Allocation Form Template


Word template containing an example GE workload allocation form; may be used to specify major tasks assigned to a GE each term and how workload is distributed

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Specialization Policies and Procedures




Pursuing a Graduate Specialization


Information for students about the requirements for completing a graduate specialization.

Proposing a Graduate Specialization


Instructions for creating a new graduate specialization.

Administering a Graduate Specialization


There are several requirements needed for a student to pursue a specialization. Review the requirements needed in order to successfully pursue or administer a specialization.

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Graduate Certificate Policies and Procedures




Pursuing a Graduate Certificate


Information for students about the requirements for completing a graduate certificate.

Administering a Graduate Certificate Program


Information for departments about graduate certificates.

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Concurrent Graduate Degree Policies and Procedures




Pursuing Concurrent Degrees


For Students: Students pursuing concurrent degrees must follow the appropriate steps before their degree plan is approved.

Administering Concurrent Graduate Degrees


For Faculty and Staff: Students pursuing concurrent degrees must follow the appropriate steps before their degree plan is approved.

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Faculty/Staff/Department Policies and Procedures




Access and Training


The Division of Graduate Studies offers training and also welcome requests for individual or small group trainings, invitations to present to departments, and suggestions for future training topics related to graduate education.

Concurrent Faculty-Student Status


Faculty members, including officers of administration, who wish to pursue a UO graduate degree must petition to the Vice Provost of the Division of Graduate Studies for approval to hold concurrent faculty/graduate student status

Course Enrollment for Faculty and Staff Members


Faculty and staff members who want to take graduate courses should refer to the Office of Human Resources for information regarding staff registration benefits.

Curriculum Changes


There are four potential stages of review for new or revised graduate programs. The nature of the proposal will determine which stages of review are required. Refer to this policy for guidance.

Generic Courses as Degree Requirements


Only certain generic courses may be listed as degree requirements for graduate programs. Review the guidance here. 

Director of Graduate Studies Handbook


The DGS is a faculty member who serves a conduit between graduate students, faculty, and the Division of Graduate Studies. This handbook was written with Directors of Graduate Studies (DGS) in mind, but Graduate Coordinators, Department Heads, and graduate students may also find it helpful. 

Excellence Awards


Information about the Excellence Award for Directors of Graduate Studies, the Excellence Award for Graduate Coordinators, and the Excellence Award for Outstanding Mentorship in Graduate Studies.

Graduate Fellow Identification and Rate


Resident rates may be requested for students on certain training grants and external fellowships.

Graduate Coordinator Handbook


The Graduate Coordinator Handbook provides an overview of Division of Graduate Studies policies and procedures for staff who support graduate programs. 

Graduate Partners Meetings


The Division of Graduate Studies hosts quarterly meetings of departmental graduate coordinators and other staff who support graduate programs to provide information and updates and facilitate discussions about issues relevant to graduate education. 

Funding Request


The Division of Graduate Studies considers requests for funding for programming, events, and other types of departmental support.

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