Doctoral Graduation Checklist

Doctoral Graduation Process Overview

Links are in the checklists below this table. 





Application for Advanced Degree

  • Signals student’s intention to graduate
  • Creates record of degree application
  • Student submits in GradWeb

Prior to defense application; department override required if after week 2 (contact Grad Coordinator)

Application for defense

  • Sets date, time, location of defense
  • Confirms committee has agreed
  • Student submits in GradWeb
  • Committee approves in GradWeb
  • Grad Coordinator approves in GradWeb

2 weeks before defense date

Post-Defense Committee Approval

  • Confirms successful defense
  • Entrusts any remaining revisions to committee chair
  • GS emails instructions 2-3 days before defense
  • Each committee member logs in to GradWeb to confirm successful defense

2 weeks after defense

Final Committee Approval of Dissertation

  • Confirms all revisions have been made and chair approves final draft
  • Chair logs in to GradWeb to confirm successful defense AND approval of final dissertation

2 weeks after defense


  • Final requirement for doctoral degree
  • Student uploads to ProQuest
  • GS reviews format, notifies student of any required corrections
  • Student revises and resubmits
  • GS approves and submits to ProQuest for publication

2 weeks after defense

Statement of Completion

  • Confirms that student has met all departmental degree requirements
  • Grad Coordinator submits Statement of Completion in GradWeb

Tuesday after grading deadline for the term

Graduation Checklist

  • Check your unofficial transcript in DuckWeb for any missing grades from previous quarters. Contact your professors to submit change of grade requests if you see “X” or “N” grades on your transcript.
  • Ensure that you will have completed at least 18 Dissertation credits (course number 603) by the time you graduate. This requirement does not apply to the DMA in music performance - refer to the School of Music and Dance website for details.
  • Submit your application for advanced degree in GradWeb according to the deadlines for the term you plan to graduate.
  • Update your diploma address in DuckWeb. Diplomas are mailed by the Office of the Registrar 2-3 months following graduation.
  • Review commencement details if you plan to participate in any graduation ceremonies.
  • Monitor your UO email after the quarter ends for any time-sensitive requests or questions that might arise during graduation processing.

Dissertation Checklist

  • Check with your committee members to make sure no one will be out of town, on sabbatical, etc. on your defense date OR when you might need signatures.
  • Review defense and registration requirements for APA Internship students in clinical, counseling, and school psychology.
  • Apply for oral defense in GradWeb at least 3-4 weeks before your defense date to ensure submission of an approved application by the deadline. The deadline for receiving your approved application for defense is 2 weeks prior to the defense date.
  • Create an account in the ProQuest Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) Administrator. We recommend creating your account before you submit your dissertation. The beginning of the quarter you intend to graduate is a great time to complete this step and familiarize yourself with the site.
  • Review Thesis and Dissertation for formatting requirements, including templates and other helpful resources.
  • Complete the survey of earned doctorates (SED).
  • Upload and submit your dissertation to the UO ETD Administrator by 11:59 pm on the quarterly deadline.
  • Confirm submission: After a successful submission, the message “Your dissertation/thesis has been submitted” will appear. You will also receive an e-mail from “ETD Administrator” that you have submitted to the University of Oregon.
  • Monitor your email after submission for any requests for revisions. You will either receive an email notifying you the ETD was accepted or requesting formatting revisions. If you are asked to make revisions, the email will indicate a new deadline. Upload the revisions by the provided deadline.