Policies and Procedures
General Duties and Responsibilities Statements (GDRS)
The collective bargaining agreement (CBA) requires that every graduate employee (GE) hiring unit maintain a general duties and responsibilities statement (GDRS) that outlines the GE hiring, appointment/reappointment, and evaluation procedures that are followed in each hiring unit.
GDRS documents are updated once a year. They are submitted each May to the Division of Graduate Studies for review and approval.
Once approved, the GDRS is posted on the General Duties and Responsibilities Statement (GDRS) page. Departments wishing to post their GDRS on their own site, should link directly to the Division of Graduate Studies' GDRS page and not post the document/PDF directly.
Become a Better Mentor
Learning how to be an effective mentor is a skill that anyone can obtain. Review some material from various graduate resources on how to be the best mentor.
Graduate Education Excellence Awards
The Division of Graduate Studies and Office of the Provost are pleased to recognize a select group of faculty and staff for excellence in graduate education. Nominations come from faculty, students, and staff, with the names of the nominees and the award winners kept confidential until announced in the spring.
Training and Systems Access
The Division of Graduate Studies offers a variety of trainings on topics including DuckDocs, Slate, GradWeb, payroll, admissions, and academic policies and procedures, as well as quarterly Graduate Partners Meetings.
Adding or Revising a Graduate Program
There are four potential stages of review for new or revised graduate programs—college level, university level, state level, and external review. The nature of the proposal will determine which stages of review are required.
Division of Graduate Studies Programming Support Request
The Division of Graduate Studies is pleased to consider requests to support programming and events that benefit graduate students.
Requests received by week 4 of each term will be prioritized.