Department: Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
FTE: 0.40
Terms: Summer
Academic Year: 2024-25
The Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies is seeking 3 GEs to teach the following summer session courses:
• WGS 341 Women, Work, and Class (WEB asynchronous) SESSION 1: 6/23-7/18
• WGS 221 Bodies and Power (WEB asynchronous) SESSION 2: 7/21-8/15
• WGS 361 Gender, Film, and Media (WEB asynchronous) SESSION 3: 8/18-9/12
These are .40 FTE positions (for teaching one course). Salary is determined by the GTFF bargaining agreement, which mandates salary ranges based on academic level.
Graduate students pursuing any master’s or doctoral degree may apply.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Admission to a University of Oregon graduate program and currently in good standing.
• Substantial background in intersectional women's and gender studies. Record of academic excellence and/or important experience in intersectional women's and gender issues.
• Strong interdisciplinary background.
• Cross-cultural sensitivity.
• Ability to work independently.
• Previous teaching experience in WGS and/or related fields.
• Enrollment in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies’ graduate certificate program.
Application Procedure:
Compile all required documents into a single PDF.
Application Packets must include:
o A short statement by the candidate outlining interests, qualifications, and future goals in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
o CV
o Names and contact information of two academic references, including your primary academic advisor
o A tentative syllabus or detailed course description
o And, if available, teaching evaluations from any previously taught courses.
o You may submit multiple syllabi or detailed course descriptions; just let us know your preferences.
o A brief interview (via zoom) with hiring committee members
Application Email:
Deadline Date: Monday, 03-31-25
Open Until Filled: Yes
Open Until Filled, Review Begins On: Tuesday, 04-01-25
Contact Information:
Yvette Saavedra