Duties and Requirements
GE Basics
Graduate employees (GEs) are employees at the University of Oregon who are graduate students.
GEs receive monthly salary, full-time tuition waiver, mandatory fees subsidy and subsidized health insurance premiums, including coverage for eligible dependents.
1) Teaching (grader, discussion section* instructor, lab instructor, and instructor of record)
2) Research
3) Administration
Terms and Conditions
The collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University and the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation details the rights and responsibilities of the GE.
Visit the Division of Graduate Studies GE website for more GE information.
General Duties and Responsibilities Statements (GDRS)
Each GE hiring unit prepares a General Duties and Responsibilities Statement (GDRS) that describes the conditions under which GE appointments and reappointments are made. It includes a description of the job requirements, workload and work assignment information, health and safety information, absence procedures, and discrimination grievance procedures.
You can find your hiring unit's GDRS on the Division of Graduate Studies webpage.
Paid and Unpaid Leave for GEs
The collective bargaining agreement gives all GEs sick time.
Paid Sick Days
GEs accrue 3 work days of paid sick leave for every term of paid GE work. GEs can accrue a maximum of 10 work days of sick leave.
Absence Notification Procedure
Read your hiring unit’s General Duties and Responsibilities Statements (GDRS) and be prepared work with your supervisor to identify how missed time can be made up.
Long-Term Absences
If you miss more than five days in a term, contact the Division of Graduate Studies.
Paid Family Leave - Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)
GEs are eligible for up to 12 weeks paid leave under the PFML program.
Unpaid Family Leave - GE Family and Medical Leave (GEFML)
GEs are also eligible for up to 4 weeks of unpaid leave under the GEFML program.
Visit the UO Human Resources website to learn more.
Finding a GE Position
Your major department/program may have GE positions available for students. To find GE positions in other departments and programs, check out the GE Job Openings.
Disability Accommodations
The UO offers a wide range of accommodations to support graduate students and GEs with disabilities. You can request disability-related support through the Office of Human Resources (HR) and the Accessible Education Center (AEC).
Visit our Disability Accommodations page to find out what disability-related support is available for you.

Reporting Obligation
Under current UO policy, GEs are designated reporters of disclosures of discriminatory misconduct.
This means that if you receive disclosures of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation from students in your class, or students your are advising or otherwise supporting as part of your GE role, you must report them to the Title IX coordinator. A failure to report may be subject to discipline or other appropriate corrective measures.
Visit the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance webpage to learn more about your responsibilities as a designated reporter.
Grievance Procedure
If you experience a problem related to your GE work, you may want to file a grievance. A “grievance” is a formal complaint alleging a violation of the collective bargaining agreement.
Stay tuned for a Grievance Procedure page for graduate students coming soon.
GE Expectations
GE is a unique form of employment that involves a dual role as both an employee and a student, as well as a dual relationship with supervisors.
This HR webpage gives guidance around GE expectation setting, performance management, and discipline to help provide a positive onboarding experience for GEs and their supervisors.
Support Offices and Services
Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF)
GTFF is a labor union representing all GEs at the University of Oregon.
Collective Bargaining
GTFF negotiates with the University over wages, benefits, working conditions, and other work-related issues in a process known as collective bargaining. You can view the current collective bargaining agreement on the HR website and the GTFF webpage.
Grievance Procedure
GTFF also deals with GE grievances to enforce the contract. See Article 13 of the CBA to learn more about the grievance procedure.
Informal Support
If you experience problems at work, you can talk to your GTFF stewards (department representatives), caucus chairs, and executive board members to seek a solution.
GTFF offers a community for GEs from various backgrounds. In particular, its caucuses function as spaces where GEs with similar interests, concerns, backgrounds, or beliefs can work together on issues that affect them and their community.
Website: Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation
Location: 609 E. 13th Ave.

Human Resources
As UO employees, GEs have access to the resources offered by the HR Office.
Website: UO Human Resources
Division of Graduate Studies
If you have any questions regarding your GE role, short/long-term leave, grievance, and disability accommodations among others, contact the Division of Graduate Studies for consultations.
Email: gradautestudies@uoregon.edu
Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance
For questions and concerns related to harassment and discrimination, contact the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance (OICRC).
Website: Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance
Reusable Office Supplies Exchange (ROSE) Room
If you need office supplies for your class, check out the Reusable Office Supplies Exchange (ROSE) Room. The ROSE room is a free store for students, faculty, and staff for school supplies and office items.
Location: Prince Lucien Campbell Hall, Room 182
Website: Waste Reduction
Email: sscreusables@uoregon.edu
IT Support
If you need free software (including Microsoft 365), laptop checkout, and IT service for your GE role, see the Basic Needs Technology page.
Training Resources
Teaching Support and Innovation
The UO Teaching Engagement Program (TEP) has created a webpage dedicated to GEs.
TEP offers individual consultations in any area related to your teaching duty.

Department Discussions
TEP offers workshops tailored to address questions and issues specific to a department’s GEs.
Check out TEP's Event Calendar for training opportunities.
International GE Support
TEP's faculty consultant, Ali Söken, provides consultations for international GEs to help them navigate the responsibilities of teaching in the U.S. classroom.
Email: alisoken@uoregon.edu
LGBTQIA+ Ally Guide
Read the Promoting Inclusive Classrooms: LGBTQIA+ Ally Guide to learn how to demonstrate inclusion and solidarity for LGBTQIA+ students in the classroom.
Teaching Awards
The UO offers two teaching awards for GEs who demonstrated excellence in teaching.
Kimble First-Year Teaching Award
This award recognizes outstanding teaching by GEs who have demonstrated a commitment to inclusive, engaged, and research-led practice. The annual prizes typically are awarded to one first-time lab or discussion section leader and to one first-time sole instructor.
Excellence Award for Graduate Teaching
This recognizes outstanding teaching performance by experienced GEs who have demonstrated a commitment to developing their instructional skills, while at the same time excelling in their academic degree program.
GE and GE Supervisor Training
UO offers a training course that provides an introductory overview to policies, procedures, and guidelines impacting GEs, as described in the GTFF Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is intended for supervisors, HR administrators, and anyone else working directly with this employee group.
You can learn about the contractual obligations of the CBA, employment expectations, performance management, and grievances in this course.
Division of Graduate Studies Professional Development Resources
Support: Check out the Division of Graduate Studies Professional Development page for useful career resources. We also offer to review your résumés, CVs, and cover letters for academic-adjacent or non-academic job or internship applications.
Events: The Division sponsors a variety of workshops and career fairs to help you explore different career paths, learn about non-academic fields, and build professional networks.
If you have any other questions, email us at gegradstudies@uoregon.edu. We look forward to speaking with you!