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Three Minute Thesis (3MT)
Congratulations to our top three competitors of 2024!
From left to right:
- 2nd place: Eunji Kong, Special Education
- 1st place: Skylyn Ferguson, Human Physiology
- 3rd place: Abby Frank, Marketing
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International Students Take Flight to the UO
As a new UO international student, you'll join a community of more than 23,000 students, scholars, and employees from 82 countries. The International Student Portal has what you need to transition successfully to the UO.
2:00–3:30 p.m.
This Teaching Engagement Program (TEP) workshop led by Ali Söken will equip international graduate employees (GEs) with strategies to navigate US classroom norms, manage teaching challenges such as microaggressions and grading disputes, and effectively engage students using various instructional methods in an inclusive environment.
Creating citations and bibliographies can be difficult, and so can keeping track of all the reading that you’ll do over the course of a class, a term, and your academic career. Join us for a one-hour workshop where you’ll learn to navigate Zotero, a free, open-source citation management tool designed to simplify your research process.
UO Libraries hosts a free workshop, which will introduce you to Zotero’s features, showing you how to collect, organize, cite, and share your research effortlessly. You’ll learn how to create bibliographies and in-text citations in popular styles such as MLA, APA, and Chicago, all while developing strategies to effectively utilize Zotero in your writing.
Join us in the Knight Library DREAM Lab and transform the way you manage your research!
Register through the UO Libraries' website.
1:00–2:00 p.m.
Enjoy stress-free time together with disabled and neurodivergent graduate students from across campus. Share experiences, exchange resources, or consult with a GE from the Accessible Education Center. Refreshments served.