Pursuing Concurrent Graduate Degrees

At the University of Oregon, the term concurrent graduate degrees is used when a graduate student is pursuing two degrees simultaneously.

Faculty and staff should read administering concurrent graduate degrees for more information for academic departments.

Examples of Concurrent Graduate Degrees

  • A student pursues a master’s degree in environmental studies and a law degree (JD) over the course of four years. The student is awarded both degrees in the same term.
  • A student pursues a master's degree in mathematics with a full credit load and a master's degree in economics with a reduced credit load. The student is awarded the mathematics degree in a given term and continues on and receives the economics degree at a later date.
  • While pursuing a doctoral degree in education leadership, a student also opts to pursue a master's degree in special education. The doctoral degree takes longer to complete and the master's degree is awarded first.
  • A student pursues a master of business administration (MBA) and a master of public administration (MPA). The students alternates their focus by enrolling full time in MBA-related courses for one year and enrolling full time in MPA-related courses the next year. After completing the requirements for both courses, the student is awarded both degrees in the same term.

Steps to Earn a Concurrent Graduate Degree

A student who wishes to pursue concurrent graduate degrees must follow these steps:

  1. Apply and be admitted to both programs via the UO application for admission and accept your offers of admission in your application status portal
  2. Submit a declaration of concurrent degrees form, approved by both programs, at least seven calendar days (one week) prior to the start of the admission term you applied for. This form should be uploaded to your application status portal. If you do not meet this deadline, you will be required to apply to the second program for the next term to gain admission.*

    This step completes your formal admission to the program. 

  3. Apply for graduation and submit a concurrent degree program plan to the Division of Graduate Studies no later than Friday of Week 2 in the term of graduation (for either or both degrees).

*This is a new deadline and process, effective 2023. Existing concurrent degree students who have not submitted their declaration of concurrent degrees form should contact the Division of Graduate Studies

Important Information about Pursuing Concurrent Graduate Degrees


Beginning with the term of declaration of concurrent degrees, you will pay a tuition rate equal to the average of the two degree programs unless one of the two programs is law or you are pursuing the MBA/MSF degrees concurrently. 

Students pursuing a law degree pay the tuition rate for the program for which the student is taking the greater number of credits. Students pursuing the MBA/MSF concurrent degree have specific rates outlined here

In the case that you complete one degree prior to the other, your tuition rate for subsequent terms will revert back to the rate of the remaining degree program.

Determining Major 1 and Major 2

On the declaration of concurrent degrees form, you will be asked to identify each degree program as either "Major 1" or "Major 2".

Please note that only Major 1 will appear on your transcript each term, although the conferral of both degrees will appear on your final transcript.

If you are pursuing concurrent master’s/doctoral degrees, or concurrent EdS/doctoral degrees, you should cite your doctoral major as “Major 1” on the declaration form.

If you are pursuing concurrent master's/master's degrees, or concurrent master's/EdS degrees, the first degree awarded must be listed as "Major 1" and consist of no less than 45 graduate credits.

Minimum Division of Graduate Studies Requirements

Students pursuing concurrent degrees are responsible for meeting minimum Division of Graduate Studies requirements for each degree.

Concurrent Master's/Law Degrees

Both degrees must be awarded the same term.

Concurrent Doctoral/Master's or EdS Degrees

Courses used to meet your doctoral residency requirement cannot also be used to meet minimum Division of Graduate Studies requirements for your master's or EdS degree.

Please cite your doctoral major as "Major 1" on the declaration form.

Degree Completion

No later than Friday of Week 2 in the term of graduation (for either or both degrees), you must apply for graduation and submit your completed concurrent degree program plan to the Division of Graduate Studies.

Admission Process and Timeline

Formal admissions via the UO application is required.

Admissions practices are left to the discretion of individual departments. However, each department must have an equitable and fair practice/policy established regarding the admittance of second degree-seeking students to their program.

For example, the department may decide it will not admit second degree-seeking students at all, it may decide to admit only during their current annual admissions cycle, or it may elect to admit only when space is available.

Departments must also establish a list of required materials for the admission of second degree-seeking students.

Students must be admitted with enough time to spend at least two full terms as an admitted student in their second master’s degree program.

This expectation is in keeping with the current university (Division of Graduate Studies) residency policy for master’s students. It also sets an expectation for good practices in advising by providing departments with adequate time and opportunity to advise students pursuing a second master’s degree in their program.

The formal admission process will culminate in the submission of the declaration of concurrent degrees form to the Division.

Withdrawing From One of Your Degree Programs

To cancel your concurrent degree status, send an email to the Division of Graduate Studies that includes your name, UO ID number, and the name of the major from which you intend to withdraw.