Academic Grievance Process

Students must file formal grievances no later than forty-five (45) calendar days from when the student knew or reasonably should have known about the incident or problem giving rise to the grievance. 

The formal grievance must be in writing, and should describe all relevant facts, including the policy or practice that was allegedly violated and/or the decision or action that was deemed to be arbitrary, capricious, or unequal in application, the date and person(s) involved, the previous informal attempts to resolve the situation (if applicable, not required), and the desired outcome for resolution. 

The grievance must be sent by email or other writing to the supervisor of the person being grieved against or, if unknown, to the head of that unit or department.  When students are actively engaged in finding an informal resolution to the grievable matter, the supervisor or unit head may grant an extension of time to file the grievance for good cause to allow the attempt at informal resolution to run its course.  Students with questions about whether a decision is grievable, or to whom to submit the formal grievance, should consult the Student Advocacy Program, the Office of the Dean of Students, or the Ombuds Office, or for graduate student grievances, the Division of Graduate Studies.

Graduate students are encouraged to notify the Division of Graduate Studies when initiating a grievance.

Full Student Grievance Policy