Department: Data Science
FTE: 0.45
Terms: Fall Winter Spring 
Academic Year: 2023-24


Teaching Positions: Duties may include but are not limited to attending lectures (~3 hrs/wk), attending class- preparation meetings (~1hr/wk), grading (~2-3 hrs/wk), office hours (~2hrs/wk), preparation of materials (~2-3 hrs/wk), assisting students in labs for the following courses (~6hrs/wk):

DSCI 101- Foundations of Data Science I
DSCI 311- Principles and Techniques of Data Science

DSCI 101- Foundations of Data Science I
DSCI 102- Foundation of Data Science II

DSCI 102- Foundation of Data Science II

Preferred Qualifications:

Applicants should have:

  • Significant coursework in Computer Science, Math, Statistics, Data Science, or a closely related field.
  • Sufficient experience and expertise in the concepts covered by the course for which they are applying to be able to assist students in labs and office hours.
  • Demonstrated excellence in communication and interpersonal skills (recommendations from academic or work supervisors may help demonstrate teaching and communication skills).
  • Taken a course equivalent to the one for which they are applying.

Preference will be given to graduate students in departments with strong data science affiliations, such as CS, Biology, Geography, Math, the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program, and the other domain units (https://datascience.uoregon.edu/domains). Effort will be taken to appoint from a wide diversity of student experiences.

Application Procedure:

To apply, submit an application or resume, containing a list of courses taken in Computer Science, Math, Statistics, Data Science, or closely related field and grades received (unofficial copies of transcripts are acceptable), include course syllabi for review. Include anticipated course schedules for terms in which you intend to teach. Provide contact information for at least two people who can comment on your skills or promise as a teaching assistant. Please use “GE Application” in the subject line. Application reviews begin the 5th week of the term preceding appointment.

Please direct any questions regarding application materials to Andrew Muehleisen, Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies, at amuehlei@uoregon.edu

Application Email: 


Deadline Date:

Monday, March 18 2024

Open Until Filled: 

Open Until Filled, Review Begins On:

5th week of the term preceding appointment

Contact Information:

Andrew Muehleisen

1258 University of Oregon 203e Pacific Hall
Eugene, Oregon 97403