Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)
As a UO employee, graduate employees (GEs) are eligible for up to 12 weeks* paid leave under the Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program.
*Certain pregnancy-related conditions qualify for an additional 2 weeks of paid leave.
Questions? See the FAQs for more details on the process, stipend amounts, and more -or- email uopaidleave@uoregon.edu.
Graduate Employee (GE) Family and Medical Leave (GEFML)
GEFML is defined in Article 29 of the GTFF Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
If a GE IS on Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML), GEFML may be used concurrently to PFML.
If a GE IS NOT on PFML, GEs may be eligible for up to 4 weeks of unpaid leave as defined by the CBA.
Questions? Contact the Office of Human Resources at hrleaves@uoregon.edu.
Academic Leave
If requesting more than 5 weeks of PFML during a given academic term, you are eligible for full academic leave for that term (i.e., you do not need to be enrolled in credit). Alternatively, you may opt to stay enrolled full- or part-time for the term.
If requesting less than 5 weeks of PFML during a given academic term, you cannot request academic leave for that term. You must remain enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits.
To request academic leave, click the "on-leave" tab on GradWeb.
Coverage During Your Leave
Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave
Stipend: Paid (Amount calculated upon applying for PFML. GEs may use sick leave as a "top-off" to increase benefit amount if the calculated benefit is less than one's usual wage.)
GTFF insurance: Maintained
Tuition Waiver and Fee Subsidy: Covered (If this is not your first time filing for PFML, a general petition is required.)
GE Family and Medical Leave
Stipend: Unpaid
GTFF insurance: Varies (Email the Division of Graduate Studies for a consultation.)
Tuition Waiver and Fee Subsidy: Varies (Email the Division of Graduate Studies for a consultation.)
If you have any other questions, email us at gegradstudies@uoregon.edu. We look forward to speaking with you!