GE Teaching Assistant

Department: The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures 
FTE: 0.40
Terms: Fall
Academic Year: 2024


GE Teaching Assistant (.40 appointment) for CHN 151: Introduction to Chinese Film

The successful candidate will serve as TA, attend lecture (in English), grade assignments and exams, and conduct 2 weekly discussion sections in English. 

Course Description:
This course introduces Chinese cinema in a national, transnational and historical sense by focusing on films and directors from the PRC, Taiwan and Hong Kong that have been most critically acclaimed domestically and internationally. In addition to learning about film history in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, we will pay special attention to how films and filmmakers engage critically and creatively with history, nationalism, and globalization, as well as family, identity, and gender. The films on the syllabus are also noteworthy for their profound and provocative explorations of morality, mortality, and pursuits of justice or personal fulfillment. Basic film analysis skills and vocabulary will also be taught.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Minimum qualifications:
    -Currently enrolled in UO MA or PhD program

    Preferred qualifications:
    -Expertise in Chinese studies or East Asian studies
    -Expertise in cinema studies
    -Previous experience running weekly discussion section meetings for a large introductory-level 
      course at UO

Application Procedure:

To apply, please send the following as a single PDF file to EALL CHN sector representative, Luke Habberstad ( by Friday, June 7, 2024:

1. Cover letter
2. Short email of recommendation from a prior supervisor
3. CV

Application Email:

Deadline Date: Friday, 06-07-2024

Open Until Filled: No
Open Until Filled, Review Begins On: 

Contact Information:
Professor Luke Habberstad
School of Global Studies and Languages
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
114 Friendly Hall
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1248