
grad school

Give Today for a Better World Tomorrow

While at the UO, and beyond, we give our Grad Flock the support they need to soar.

Your Gift Potential

bella demachkie

Graduate students encounter challenges. Many work, care for family, or live far from home and other familiar supports. Help make it easier for students to focus on their studies, persist to graduation, and make their mark.

MBA student in greenhouse

The diversity of our graduate students’ identities, experiences, and knowledge make us better as a University and keep us connected to our communities. Help improve educational access to students who are underrepresented in their disciplines and nurture leaders who will work for the common good.

graduate students collaborate

Graduate students learn and grow in community. Help advance their career preparation and how they serve others by supporting an applied internship experience, professional training, and mentorship programming.


UO graduate alumni shape academic excellence today.


Born and raised on Maui, Brandy Nālani McDougall is a graduate of UO’s Creative Writing Program and Hawai'i’s new 2023-25 state poet laureate.

McDougall is using her foundational experience to shine light on historical and contemporary colonialism, tourism, and environmental destruction on the land and people of Hawaiʻi today.


Read about how McDougall
is inspiring UO graduate students today.


Get Involved and Re-engage with the UO

Receive alumni profiles, campus news, UO Alumni Association updates, and the latest on athletics.

Express your interest in partnering with the Division of Graduate Studies to offer an internship, training, and more.

We are excited to learn about what UO Grad Alumni are doing in their communities today. Share your stories and successes with us.