Student Spotlight: Madison Stepherson

Madison Stepherson

Hi, I'm Madison.

I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. I graduated from Kennesaw State University, where I met my husband, Kyle. I continued my education at the University of Minnesota before coming to the University of Oregon. I live in the quiet town of Harrisburg, Oregon, with my husband and our two Bengal cats, Artie and Ollie. My hobbies include gardening, baking, hiking and powerlifting. My research focuses on the voice and vocal timbre in popular music of the 21st century.

Questions and Answers

What are you studying?

I am in my second year of my PhD in Music Theory. I work closely with my advisor, Drew Nobile, as well as Steve Rodgers and Zach Wallmark. I find meaning in the fact that I can engage with topics that relate to the general populace and are more public-facing. Most of my research revolves around popular music, and I love that I can bring something of value both to the field of music theory and to the scholarly realm in general.

Who inspires and motivates you?

My husband, Kyle, motivates and inspires me with his hard work ethic. His work is challenging and he works long hours to support me in my studies, and I am so grateful and constantly surprised by his incessant ability to be cheery. I am also motivated by God, who gives me strength to do anything I put my mind to.

How do you balance your studies with other areas of your life?

Balance is a priority in my life. I exercise regularly and make sure that sleep and nutrition are never a sacrifice. I schedule out time for my hobbies in my planner and make a point to go to social events, like THEME, whenever I can. Kyle and I schedule date nights regularly to cut through the chaos. I find that I am the happiest when I make time for things other than school, and that my academic productivity increases as well.

Where is your favorite place on campus to study, find inspiration, garner motivation, or stay focused?

I am a commuter student, but I really love my GE office. It’s quiet and overlooks the courtyard next to the music building. It’s easy to focus and study without being interrupted.

What advice do you have for future students? 

Use the library! The website, the chat function, ILL, Summit, all of it. There is so much knowledge at your fingertips and the librarians are so willing to help if only you ask. And, don’t feel like you have to do everything all the time. It’s perfectly fine to focus on producing few projects that are quality work rather than churning out lots of mediocre proposals and papers. Also, rewarding yourself for a job well done is important. Have pride in your work and when you accomplish something, celebrate it.