Kes-e-loh McQuillen, Yurok Tribe and of Tolowa and Pomo descent, is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in the Language Teaching Studies (LTS) program at the University of Oregon. She believes that her studies in the LTS program will support language revitalization efforts within her Yurok community. With this degree, she aims to return to her community and continue her work with the Yurok Language Department to develop curricula, nourish language development with all ages, and teach various levels of Yurok in high school and community classes. She hopes that her journey in language revitalization, supported by the Future Steward Award, will inspire other language learners in their respective communities.
Her greatest motivation and inspiration come from two sources: first, her ancestors, who were banned from speaking the language and some of the last fluent Yurok speakers; second, her family who keep her motivated to give back to her community in every way possible. After graduation, she will return home to become a steward of the Yurok community through her language skills.
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