
The University of Oregon is set to award 119 doctoral, 611 master’s, and 52 microcredential degrees this term. Congratulations to all those who have reached this momentous milestone. We are looking forward to celebrating your hard work at commencement ceremonies over the coming weeks.
May 17, 2024 - An wrap-up of the 2024 Graduate Research Forum and a list of winners from this year, invitations to Non-traditional Career Paths for Social Science and Humanities PhDs, NSF fellowship info sessions, student service opportunities, and more.
May 3, 2024 - An invitation to attend the Graduate Research Forum on May 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Ford Alumni Center. Stop in as your schedule allows. All students and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

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The open-source device is an affordable alternative to a pricey piece of medical tech

Graduate researchers across campus earned the prized grants to advance their work

Graham Kribs teaches students the science behind the gear and technique for climbers

Mountains on the island rose much faster than previously thought, UO research shows

Alex Mentzel, a 2020 graduate, is pursing advanced studies in Great Britain

New techniques can give up-close views without damaging samples, UO research shows

Fish with a mutation in the gene aren’t as interested in other fish, new research shows

Teresa Hernández, a doctoral candidate and graduate student instructor in the Department of English, was recently selected out of one-hundred graduate student nominees to receive the 2022 K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Hernández was one of nine recipients of the prestigious nationwide award.

The Division of Graduate Studies is proud to announce the 2021-2022 recipients of the prestigious Raymund Fellowship.

A recent graduate of the Oregon MBA program, Emily Darchuk founded Wheyward Spirit, a farm-to-flask premium spirit company.